Chair and Vice-Chair appointed - October 2024
Stephen Townsend


Stephen Townsend - Chair      




   Richard Hughes - Vice Chair

New Clerk appointed - June 2024

Lisa Cresswell


Co-Chairs appointed - April 2024

Stephen Townsend




Stephen Townsend               Richard Hughes


New Chair of the Charity - January 2024

Geraldine Collins IMG4122

Roger Harrington IMG4125Paul Hirons



After having joined the Board in 1983 and serving as the Chairman of the Charity since 2013, Dr Roger Harrington has decided to step back from the rôle of Chairman and so we are pleased to announce that at a recent meeting of the Trustee Board, Mrs Geraldine Collins has been elected as the new Chair. As a very experienced member of the Board and well known to our residents, Mrs Collins is the ideal person to take up this position. Dr Harrington will remain a Trustee and will act as Vice-Chair, succeeding Mr Paul Hirons who served in the rôle with distinction. 

New Trustee - January 2024

We welcome Andy Garrard as our new Trustee. Andy is a technology director with experience working across the private and public sectors. 

Voucher presentation - September 2023

Dr Roger Harrington, Chairman of BAWC presents a garden centre voucher to Nicole Parish of Church Street to thank her and in recognition for the work she does in keeping the gardens of the almshouses in Church Street, Buckingham in good order.

New Trustees - July 2023


It is with pleasure we can announce that Richard Hughes has joined the Board of Trustees and has taken up the rôle of Chair of the Finance Committee.

Ralph 230814 1


We also welcome Tom Goodman as a Trustee representing the Gawcott with Lenborough Parish.

Anja Schaefer


And last but not least, Buckingham Town Council has elected a new Mayor - Anja Schaefer; who joins the Board of Trustees as an ex-officio member. We offer our thanks to Margaret Gateley the outgoing Mayor and thank her for the very positive contribution she made whilst on the Board.

Happy New Year 2023

Queen Elizabeth II   (1926-2022)
1192921 QE2 wave

It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of Her Majesty The Queen

Sad News

It was with great sadness that the Trustees and Secretary of the Charity learned of the sudden passing of Bob Legrove at the beginning of July (2022). 
Bob was a Trustee and Chair of the Finance Committee; his expertise will be sorely missed.  Our thoughts are with his family.


Smiles for Captain Tom’s 100 challenge

BAWC Capn Tom pic

The Trustees joined the national campaign initiated by the Captain Tom Foundation,
to raise awareness of almshouses as a unique form of affordable social housing which
has at its heart one of Captain Tom’s key legacies: combating loneliness.


Pictured outside Barton's Hospital on 1st May 2021, from left to right, are
  • Cllr Patrick Fealey (representing Gawcott and Lenborough Parish Council)
  • Cllr and Town Mayor Geraldine Collins (ex-officio as Town Mayor of Buckingham)
  • Dr Roger Harrington (Chair of the Trustee Board - Co-opted Trustee)
  • Cllr Anthony Ralph (representing Buckingham Town Council)
  • Cllr Jon Harvey (Co-opted Trustee)
  • Cllr Paul Hirons (representing Buckingham Town Council)
  • Robert Legrove (Co-opted Trustee)

Barton's Hospital Refurbishment

Work was completed early in 2020 on the refurbishment of the Barton's Hospital Almshouses in Church Street.  



Applications to rent allotments are invited - please contact the Secretary for details


Webmaster, 09/07/2022